Thursday, August 26, 2010



1. 我答应您,在您踏进来的那一刻起我会对您微笑。我的微笑不是因为您可能会买助听器,而是感谢和鼓励您终于勇于面对自己的问题踏出了第一步,我为您感到骄傲。

2. 我答应您,从测试到诊断,直到辅导,我都会尽全力回答您一切的疑问,让您明白,让您作出最好的选择。

3. 我答应您,我不会为了博取上司或老板的欢心,卖您比较贵的助听器。我会尽我所能让您了解为什么您需要某种更好但较高价钱的助听器。如果您最终选择了较便宜的,我也会替您高兴因为您为了解决您的问题跨出了更勇敢,更大的一步。

4. 我答应您,纵使在卖了助听器背后有多大的诱惑,我也不会接受这足以吞噬我良心的佣金。哪怕所有人都接受了,我依然会坚决的拒绝,因为我知道最初的理想和坚持始终会被金钱打败,多么崇高的理由也只不过是藉口,心变了就是变了。

5. 我答应您,如果您装了助听器面对任何问题,您都可以随时来找我,我会尽我所能解决您的问题因为您已经为自己做了最好的选择,接下来的问题就让我来帮您解决吧。

6. 我答应您,如果您觉得暂时或永远都不需要戴助听器,我会尊重您的选择,我也会自我检讨为何我无法让您了解解决您的问题的迫切性和重要性。如果我可以做得更好,我相信您可以做更好的选择。

7. 我答应您,我会珍惜所有可以让我提升我的知识和专业的机会。因为我知道只有这样我才能拥有足够的知识与装备来解决您日后可能遇到的问题。

8. 我答应您,倘若我必须离开,之后再也不能帮您,我一定会通知您还有确保其他人会好好地对待您,帮您解决问题。

9. 我答应您,我不会因为你拒绝认同您的问题或拒绝戴助听器而愤怒,因为这是您的选择。 有时我的情绪还是会受到您所说的一些话影响而提高我的声量,因为我需要让您感觉到我真地想要帮您的真诚,我不想再看到一个病人因为无法认同或无法接受自身的问题而失去了重获声音的机会。

10. 我答应您,我永远会守住以上我所作的承诺直到我结束我的事业。这将是我这一生做人做事的根本。

I was a freshman too

I was a freshman too

This is a blog I wrote for my beloved friends, juniors and who ever lost their passion on their job because of unchallenging work and unbearable stress.

In another two weeks time, I am going to celebrate my first anniversary for the conversion from a student to a working adult. After that, I will able to answer one of the FAQs from patient (How long you have been in this line?) with a definite answer - one year. One year working experience is not a long period for some people especially those elderly that I have seen because they have gone through many ‘one’ year or many ‘five’ or ‘ten’ years in their life particularly in working. Although it’s a ‘little’ and short time, but for me I gain a lot during this period.

I learnt what I have never see/hear/learn when I was a student. I learnt how to convince people in accepting their problems. I learnt how to convince people to treasure the chance of regain what they have lost in the past. I learnt through my experience when I failed to help those that I thought I can bring changes to their life. Every time I failed, I force myself think to learn from my mistake and improve from that. I do the thinking because I know if I am not doing now, I will be a brainless-robotic-audiologist for the next 30 years.

This is a sharing for what I gain during this period. I am proud of myself because I still can feel the PASSION inside me. By looking on other people, my friends, my juniors, some of them are lost in the battle of irresistible stress, unchanged/unchallenging work. I don’t know if they have lost their passion. I don’t remember I had the same feelings like they are having right now. I admit I did have stress when I made some stupid mistakes. It’s kind of sad when I see a freshman who has just started his/her career shortly is making all sorts of complaint about work. I do understand a freshman is a person who always wants and needs others to trust and respect him/herself, as a professional; as an audiologist; or as a human being, at least. I do understand, because I was a freshman too. This is just a start and everything is difficult at the beginning. Everyone need time to change and improve from the experiences they gained and mistakes they made. We need to learn how to ignore people’s words regardless of how ear-piercing comments they made. If we reply with F*** YOU, isn’t that we are same kind like them? Isn’t that we are just someone who only know how to complain but never think how to improve themselves to do a better job. Please don’t let yourself turning to such a pathetic and shameful creature.

At last, my kind advice is if you have lost the passion inside you or it is too deep embedded in your heart, search it until you regain it. Don’t lost it again unless if you have a good reason to quit, but not this f***ing early stage. Please, I beg you.